
What’s New Version 1.X

Highlights of the latest Dataiku DSS releases. More details in our release notes.

Version 1.4 – January 2015

Geographic data visualization (BETA)

Geographic data visualization (BETA)

Automatically display your geographic data on beautiful maps.

Also includes many new
geo-related features.

New visual data transformations

New visual data transformations

Do more without code with DSS

  • Group and aggregate rows (in-memory, in-database or on-Hadoop)
  • Split datasets
  • Filter rows

Enhanced enterprise security

Improved integration with enterprise security architectures

  • Interact with Kerberos-secured Hadoop clusters
  • Connect DSS to your enteprise LDAP directory

Version 1.3 – October 2014

Advanced clusters profiling

Advanced clusters profiling
New visualizations and insights

New visualizations and insights let your explore the results of your clustering

  • View and compare data distributions
  • DSS automatically generates the most prominent facts for each dataset
  • Give labels and descriptions to your clusters

New R support

New R support

Do you use the R langage for your data analytics ? DSS now has advanced R integration

  • Read and write datasets on any storage
    directly from R
  • R notebook for interactive work

Hadoop File Formats

Hadoop File Formats

DSS now has support for many new Hadoop file formats. Including Pig, Hive, Impala and complex types support

  • Avro
  • Parquet
  • Sequence files
  • RC and ORC files

More flexibility for complex data flows

More flexibility for complex data flows

  • Preview your jobs and understand how your datasets interact
  • New features for advanced partitioning

And much more in DSS !

Read our
release notes
and our
blog posts
for more details.