
Alternative Mapbox map backgrounds

This plugin adds alternative map backgrounds from Mapbox to your DSS geographical charts

This plugin enables map backgrounds available from Mapbox in Dataiku DSS charts.

Overview of a few Mapbox backgrounds available through this plugin.
Overview of a few Mapbox backgrounds available through this plugin.

Plugin Information

Version 0.0.6
Author Dataiku
Released 2018-01-31
Last updated 2020-07-07
License Apache Software License
Source code Github
Reporting issues Github

How To Use

After installing the plugin, head to the plugin list and open the plugin’s settings:

Mapbox map backgrounds

Enter your API key, make sure to check the “Add the default Mapbox styles to the list” box, and then restart DSS!

To get an API key from Mapbox, login on their website and create an access token from your profile’s dashboard.

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