
Google Sheets

This plugin provides a read/write connector to interact with Google Sheets

This plugin provides a read and write connector to interact in your Dataiku DSS projects with Google Sheets documents, that are commonly named spreadsheets.

Retrieving a spreadsheet in DSS
Retrieving a spreadsheet in DSS.


Plugin Information

Version 1.2.1
Author Dataiku (Jérémy Grèze)
Released 2015-11-12
Last updated 2023-04-26
License Apache Software License
Source code Github
Reporting issues Github

How To Use

You need to install the plugin in Dataiku DSS. Go to the Administration > Plugins page. The plugin requires the installation of a code environment.

Create a new dataset using the plugin. You have 4 parameters to fill. Click on the button Test & Get schema button. Then, save and explore.

In order to use the plugin, you will need service account’s credentials exported in a JSON file with the Sheets API enabled. To generate this JSON, do the following:

  1. Open the Service accounts page in the Google API Console. Create a new project (or select an existing one).


Create a new project (or select an existing one) using Google API

2. Click Create service account. Choose a name for the service account, go through the process, and click Create key and choose JSON for the key type. Your browser will download the key. Click Done to finish the creation of the service account.

Create Service Accounts using Google APIs

3.  Open the JSON key in a text editor and copy-paste the full content of the file in the dataset settings.

Also, take note of the service account’s email address (in the form [email protected]). Share the spreadsheet you want to connect with this email address.

Share Google Docs with other

4.  Open the Google Sheets API in the API Library section of the Google API Console. Make sure you are using the same project than previously. Click on Enable API.

Google Sheets API


5.  Done. You can now configure your dataset in Dataiku DSS. Note that the service account can be reused for several datasets/sheets.

More information about this plugin is available here.

Known limitations

This plugin does not handle Excel files stored in Google Sheets. These files can be recognized by the green .XLSX tab visible on Google Sheets’ web interface.

In order to import this type of file into Dataiku, please use the Google Drive plugin instead.


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