
TitanML’s Takeoff Server

TitanML’s Takeoff removes the extra work and burden of self-hosting Generative AI models, empowering scalable and private self-hosted deployments. Titan Takeoff’s integration into the Dataiku LLM Mesh makes building with private self-hosted AI models just as easy as building with cloud model offerings, giving teams choice and security.

Plugin information

Version 1.0.0
Author TitanML
Released 2024-04-11
Last updated 2024-04-11
License Apache License v2
Source code Github
Reporting issues TitanML Support


TitanML’s Takeoff removes the extra work and burden of self-hosting Generative AI models, empowering scalable and private self-hosted deployments. Titan Takeoff’s integration into the Dataiku LLM Mesh makes building with private self-hosted AI models just as easy as building with cloud model offerings, giving teams choice and security.

TitanML supports 10,000s of models including:

  • Generative Language Models (Llama, Mistral, Mistral, StableLM, Falcon, Gemma etc)
  • Embedding Models 
  • Reranker Models
  • Image to Text Models (Llava)
  • Audio Models (Coming Q3 2024)
  • And all fine-tuned variants of these architectures!)

How to set up

Our team at TitanML has created everything you need to get started. Refer to the installation instructions at https://docs.titanml.co/docs/Docs/integrations/dataiku/

Plugin support policy

Support issues can be submitted on the Github repository at:


More support options are available by contacting the TitanML team at [email protected]

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