

This plugin provides a read/write connector to interact with OneDrive documents

Read and write data from/to your OneDrive account.

A simple connector to read a sheet from a OneDrive document
Syncing data to OneDrive from DSS.

Plugin information

Version 1.1.0
Author Dataiku (Alex Bourret)
Released 2019-12
Last updated 2024-01
License Apache Software License
Source code Github
Reporting issues Github

How to set up

  1. From the Azure Portal, go to Azure Active Directory > App registrations create a new App (New registration). Set a name and a redirect URI pointing back to your DSS instance. It should follow this structure: https://<<your DSS instance domain>>:<<your DSS instance port>>/dip/api/oauth2-callback. Note that unless your DSS instance is on a localhost, the URI has to point to a https secured server.

    Microsoft Azure Portal screenshot showing the app registration form
    Create a new App in Azure Portal
  2. Click on the newly created app. Copy the Application ID. Then go to the Certificates & secrets > New client secret tab. Set a description, choose an expire date, and copy the value of the created secret.

    Microsoft Azure Portal screenshot showing the client secret add form
    Add a client secret to the app
  3. Go to API permissions > Add a permission > Microsoft APIs > Microsoft Graph > Delegated permissions and add offline_access, Files.Read.All and Files.ReadWrite.
  4. In DSS, go to Plugins > Installed > OneDrive > Settings > OneDrive OAuth details > + Add preset. There, set paste the App ID and App secret copied from step 2 into onedrive_credentials Client ID and Client Secret’s value and save the preset.

    Dataiku DSS screenshot showing the plugin preset form
    Add a plugin preset
  5. Go to Profile & settings > Credentials for your DSS account. Click the edit button for the OneDrive preset you are configuring. This will redirect you to a Microsoft single sign on page. Log in to the account if necessary click Yes

    Microsoft Azure Portal screenshot showing the authorization request
    Accept the authorization request

How to use

Read data from OneDrive

  • In your DSS project flow, select Dataset > OneDrive
  • Click OneDrive Filesystem
  • Pick the right preset, and browse to the document or folder you want to use as dataset.

    Dataiku DSS screenshot showing the dataset path selector
    Browse to the dataset path

Write data into OneDrive

  • In your DSS project flow, select Dataset > Folder
  • Choose OneDrive in the Store into parameter and click Create. An External code failed error may appear because you have not selected your Preset yet.
  • In the Settings tab of the folder, select your Preset in the OneDrive connection parameter, and save. You can now export your dataset into your newly created OneDrive managed folder.


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