
Julius Bär: Dataiku as a One-Stop-Shop for Data Science

Julius Bär uses Dataiku to enable low- and no-code users to work together in a single platform.

The following Q&A occurred during the Everyday AI Conference in Frankfurt.

Interview of Marek Kochanek, Head of Data & Analytics at Julius Bär

Watch Everyday AI Frankfurt Talks


What Does Everyday AI Mean to You? 

For me, Everyday AI is a really great opportunity to meet experts from across industries and different companies. Often, we see the same kind of problems and solutions. So it’s good to really understand what different companies are doing with AI, especially Generative AI and how Dataiku is helping them democratize AI in their company.

Why Did You Choose Dataiku?

Dataiku sits on top of our enterprise data lake. We had a bunch of open source tools and we wanted to replace them with just a one-stop-shop for data science and visualization. We also wanted something with visual recipes that allowed low- and no-code users to work in the same place.

How Did Dataiku Help Overcome Obstacles With AI Integration? 

We are a Swiss regulated bank in Zurich, so we have a lot of regulations from FINMA and different regulators in Luxembourg and Singapore. Dataiku leverages security mechanisms which helped us convince InfoSec and security architecture people to adopt the platform. Dataiku is a platform that really helps with security aspects, access rights, and data management.


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