
Auf AWS installieren

Dataiku provides a pre-built image (AMI) to run DSS on Amazon Web Services. You will need an AWS account to proceed.

1. Start the instance

Open the Dataiku DSS page on AWS marketplace.

Click „Continue“ and choose between:

  • 1-Click Launch if you want to go fast
  • Manual Launch if you want to configure your instance using the wizard screens (see below)

m3.large instance type (2 vCPUs, 7.5 GB RAM) should be enough for a first step.

2. Connect to DSS

Browse to http(s)://INSTANCE_PUBLIC_ADDRESS/ where INSTANCE_PUBLIC_ADDRESS is the instance public IP address returned by the EC2 launch instance wizard.
(You might need to wait a few minutes while the instance starts and initializes)

At first launch, you will have to prove that you are the owner of the instance.
Authenticate with:

  • the instance id (i-xxxxxxxx) as login
  • an empty password.

Note that only Chrome and Firefox are supported.

The Dataiku Reference Documentation

Where you'll find information on the details of installing and configuring Dataiku DSS in your environment, using the tool through the browser interface, and driving it through the API.

Read the documentation